Ayurveda is a complete holistic medical system originating in India 5000 years ago. It's taught in Ayurvedic Colleges in India and throughout the world.
As a holistic model, it views each person as an interconnected organism: body, mind and spirit. Like traditional Chinese medicine, which arose a little later, Ayurveda recognizes the uniqueness of each individual, and uses diet, lifestyle and herbal medicine as well as hands on treatments to treat and prevent disease and to build and maintain health. Ayurveda looks to the root cause of each imbalance to bring about an effective cure.
From an Ayurvedic point of view, health is not simply the absence of disease, but an ongoing state of deep wellbeing that includes balance of the bodily tissues, regular movement and elimination of waste, proper function of the sense organs, and a mind that is satisfied and grounded in Essential Nature. A core component of health is Svastha, a sanskrit word meaning "to be seated within the Self." Ayurveda is literally coming home to oneself, and that is just how women describe their feeling when they complete Ayurvedic work with me.
Ayurveda is an excellent approach for women in mid-life, (35 years +) who want to reverse or postpone the disease process and who want to build good health now, and for the future. For yoginis, this knowledge is essential and opens up one's yoga practice in a multitude of ways from knowing how to practice before, during and after moon time, to preparing to conceive, practicing while pregnant, to postpartum recovery, and post menopausal. to practice effectively over time.
To find out how an Ayurvedic approach might support you as you traverse a woman's life stages, schedule a complimentary discovery session with me.
My allergies improved almost immediately and I now have a template for daily living that works for me in my ordinary life. I have found working with Shannon extremely beneficial to my health and well-being overall and I feel stronger, am sleeping better and my emotional state has improved considerably. After 6 months I was able to see the connections between what I ate, drank, etc with how I felt.
I am invested in self-care at a new level now. At the age of 63, I am in touch with my body and my spirit in ways that feel new and hopeful. I find Shannon to be easy to share with, an excellent listener and very realistic about how much to work on at one time, and how to tailor what I do to my individual needs. I am actually glad I was so desperate for relief that I made the call that started me on my Ayurvedic journey and living life in a new and healthy manner. THANKS, SHANNON!” -H.A. Seattle

Client Testimonials
"I worked regularly with Shannon for over a year and a half through her Ayurveda mentorship course and in one on one Ayurveda health coaching because I was having a hard time focusing and staying active. My mind felt like it was in a fog.
After working with Shannon, I now have a working knowledge of Ayurvedic principles and I understand how my diet affects my body. I was struggling with GERD, and taking prescription medication, and I was able to resolve the GERD through dietary shifts I made under her guidance.
I appreciated being able to work with Shannon over time because that allowed me to fully incorporate the changes suggested into my daily routine.
She’s been a great asset, working to get to the bottom of what was going on in my mind and body. Her immense knowledge of Ayurvedic practices allowed her to dig deep into the issues I had to determine causes, identify effects and provide recommendations.
Thanks to the work we did, I now feel clear minded and I am back to a normal level of physical activity. She provided an amazing dedication, love and energy to me and this consistent drive of hers to be there and help is what helped me the most and was an immeasurable value.
-RK, Kirkland
“Working with Shannon has demystified seasonal maladies I experience, some life-long and others that arose during menopausal changes. I’ve learned ways to read what my body and emotions are signaling to me, and how to provide optimally for myself. I feel more centered and kind with myself, which is a deeply helpful place from which to approach my health goals.”
-JH, Seattle
"I worked with Shannon when I was suffering from the worst seasonal allergies I had ever experienced. I felt like I could not function in daily life.
After our initial conversation by phone, I realized that there were multiple issues I had been minimizing or ignoring. I had low stamina, felt weak, slept poorly was mildly depressed, among other things. Shannon did an in-depth intake questionnaire on my diet and daily habits and we began working together. We first focused on diet, with a goal of improving my meal choices and meal schedule among other details. We also set up regular yoga sessions with personalized audio practices included. Later we introduced Ayurvedic herbal supplements to my regimen along with other personal self-care practices (recently, use of a Neti pot)."
My allergies improved almost immediately and I now have a template for daily living that works for me in my ordinary life. I have found working with Shannon extremely beneficial to my health and well-being overall. I feel stronger, am sleeping better and my emotional state has improved considerably. After 6 months, I was able to see the connections between what I ate, drank, etc, with how I felt.
I am invested in self-care at a new level now. At the age of 63, I am in touch with my body and spiritin ways that feel new and hopeful. I find Shannon to be easy to share with, an excellent listener, and very realistic about how much to work on at one time and how to tailor what I do to my individual needs. I am actually glad I was so desperate for relief that I made the call that started me on my Ayurvedic journey and living life in a new and healthy manner. Thanks Shannon!" -HA, Seattle